Battery Park: a New York park rich in history!

Battery Park: a New York park rich in history!

Battery Park: a park rich in history

The history of Battery Park began atpre-Columbian era when the Kapsee Indians populated the area around the present park. But in the XNUMXth century, the Dutch arrived and decided to name the park "Capske Hoak" to recall the name of its first occupants.

Battery Park: a New York park rich in history!

Due to its geographic location (south of Manhattan), Battery Park quickly became a strategic place of defense for the Dutch colony and from 1629, Fort Amsterdam was built by the colonists. But in 1664, the English took New York from the Dutch and decided to baptize this fort "Fort James" (during this English period, the fort changed its name several times). In 1683 and near this building, the English governor decided to install cannons there. But in 1790, the fort was destroyed (in 1783, the Americans took New York from the English) and its surroundings became a pleasant walk. In 1808, West Battery which will become Castle Clinton later was also built on an artificial island not far from the park and in 1824, the fort became a recreation center.

Good to know: the name Battery Park refers to the artillery pieces that were once installed there.

Battery Park has changed a lot over the years. He also underwent several transformations to become today, a nice park in new york where locals and tourists like to spend time.

The various facilities of the park

At Battery Park, visitors can enjoy several developments and monuments. Here they are.

Discovering the Statue of Liberty

Battery Park represents the departure point for ferries to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. If you have planned to visit Miss Liberty, do not hesitate to go to Battery Park a few hours before your departure. You can enjoy the park and stroll along the Hudson while waiting for your ferry time.

And during your walk, you will also see Miss Liberty from afar. You will be able to take a picture of it and enjoy a beautiful landscape!

Meditate at The Sphere

The Sphere is a metallic structure built by Fritz Koenig and which was installed on the square of the World Trade Center before the attacks of September 11, 2001. Damaged, this sphere bears witness to the atrocity of the attacks and today, this sculpture is a place of contemplation.

Discover Castle Clinton

Battery Park: a New York park rich in history!Castle Clinton is the main monument in Battery Park, named after De Witt Clinton (an American politician). Castle Clinton is a strong circular became the property of New York after the war. Today, Castle Clinton is the place where you can buy your tickets to visit the Statue of Liberty.

Admire the monuments

During your walk in Battery Park, you will come across several monuments including theEast Coast Memorial, a huge bronze eagle erected in honor of those who died in the Atlantic during World War II.

A statues of Giovanni de Verrazano, the first European to set foot on New York soil in 1524 can also be seen.

Also to discover, the Korean War Memorial inaugurated in 1991. This memorial is a black marble wall on which the silhouette of a soldier was carved. This memorial pays tribute to American soldiers who died during the Korean War.

Take a walk in the Hope Garden

Le Hope Garden ("Garden of hope" in French) is a memorial in tribute to all those who have died of AIDS.

Practical information about this park

Where to eat ?

To eat in Battery Park, I recommend the picnic. Very pleasant, picnic will allow you to eat at the water's edge while enjoying a nice view of the Statue of Liberty. The picnic is also very convenient, since you won't have to leave the park to find a restaurant to eat. All you have to do is prepare your basket, choose a place in the park that you like and enjoy the moment.

Otherwise, if the picnic does not tempt you, near Battery Park you will find Many restaurants. You just have to choose from all of them!

Opening hours

Battery Park is open 24/24. You will therefore necessarily find a moment during your stay to get there! In addition, its entrance is completely free, so don't hesitate to take advantage of it! You will have a good time without spending anything!

The address of the park

Battery Park is located at lower Manhattan in the Financial District. Here is a map to get an idea of ​​its location:

How to get there ?

To get to Battery Park, several solutions are available to you. The first is the marche : If you are nearby or if you like walking the streets of New York, walking is the best mode of transportation for you!

Otherwise, you can get there by Metro. To do this, take Line 1 to South Ferry.

You choose !

You now have all the useful and practical information to discover Battery Park. During your walk, you will go back in time and you will discover many interesting monuments. In short, your walk in Battery Park will be rich in discoveries and will allow you to enjoy a moment of calm in a pleasant park on the banks of the Hudson.

And to discover another park in New York, here are the secrets of Bryant Park.

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