Discover some unusual corners of New York

Discover some unusual corners of New York

Discover the unusual corners of New York and experience the city differently

For those who want to think outside the box of typical visits to New York City, I have reserved here for you a sparkling cocktail of unusual and secret places scattered all over the Big Apple. Leave aside the usual areas such as Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and others to visit New York differently.

Unusual cultural trips in New York's neighborhoods

Le Morgan Library and Museum

On Madison Avenue you can visit an exceptional museum that is one of the hidden treasures of the Big Apple, called Morgan library and museum. Created by JP Morgan, this large building with unique architecture embellished by several big names of designers, such as Renzo Piano, houses around 350 historical pieces including the Bible of the printer Gutenberg, a copy of the Constitution of the United States in French or a handwritten score erased by the hand of Beethoven.

Good to know: For the more economical, the site visit is free on Friday evening from 19 p.m. to 21 p.m.

The Berlin Wall… in Manhattan

In Paley Park, at 520 Madison Avenue, hides a real piece of history in a small square. Five pieces of the Berlin Wall have been exhibited there since 1990. This vestige of the Cold War is now part of the decor, some New Yorkers do not know the origin and history of this piece of wall ...

Completely exotic rooftops

The rooftops of New York skyscrapers are also full of unusual places to treat yourself to special memories of the Big Apple:

Rockefeller Center Gardens

Discover the secret and majestic Rockefeller Center gardens with a 360 ° view of New York, in these places you will find no less than five lush gardens that line the roofs of the various buildings of the complex, built between 1933 and 1936. True oases of peace at an altitude of hundreds of meters, on which ceremonies can take place (if you want to get married in New York, do yourself a favor, however, the bill may be quite salty ...)

77 Water Street airstrip

The 77 WaterStreet in Manhattan and its airstrip for a WWI fighter jet. This "rooftop" was fitted out as such for the enjoyment of the inhabitants of the neighboring skyscrapers. Measuring 50 meters long, the track is obviously unusable but lights up at night. The building in question is an old candy store, empty for a good ten years.

Atypical outings in New York

Le bar « Please Don’t Tell »

Sprinkle a mystery in your New York stay with a drink at one of New York's secret bars called speakeasy. These are inspired by the years 1919 until 1933 when alcohol was prohibited in the USA. On East Village, at Please Don’t Tell, you will have the opportunity to have a drink in a retro-looking “clandestine bar” with a false facade of a hot dog snack called Crif Dogs. To access the bar room, you must dial 1 in the telephone booth of the snack bar and wait for the bottom of the latter to turn.

Avenue "6 and a half": an avenue ... "incomplete"

This half-avenue offers a secret shortcut, well known to New Yorkers, giving access to 51st Street and 57th Street, via a pedestrian crossing that cuts off noise pollution from Manhattan traffic.

Discover some unusual corners of New York

The Galerie des Murmures ("Whispering Gallery")

Take a quick stroll around Grand Central Terminal station. It contains a secret, that of the Galerie des Murmures (“Whispering Gallery”). This name refers to the acoustic echoes caused by the architecture of the place with its vaulted ceilings. Located in a hallway opposite the Oyster Bar, stand with your face turned to a corner of the vaulted room. The person in the opposite angle will hear the whispers perfectly.

 Coney Island Beach

You also have the opportunity to discover New York from a different perspective by taking a trip with family or friends to Coney Island south of Brooklyn. In this part of New York City, the atmosphere is with beautiful beaches and summer vacations where fishing and swimming are in the spotlight. With a New York Pass, your kids can enjoy the crazy attractions in Luna Park for free.

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